Tuesday, December 25, 2007



By Good and Necessary Consequence: A Preliminary Genealogy of Biblicist Foundationalism. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2009.

Inerrancy and the Spiritual Formation of Younger Evangelicals. Eugene, OR: Wipf &Stock, 2007.


“Phenomenology and the Search for the Infinite God,” Fides Quaerens Intellectum (forthcoming).

“Can an Evangelical Say that God Does Not Exist?” Bulletin of the North American Paul Tillich Society (forthcoming).

“Two Examples of How the History of Mathematics Can Inform Theology,” Theology and Science (forthcoming).

“If Scientists Can Naturalize God, Should Philosophers Re-supernaturalize Him?” Theology Today 64 (2007): 340-348.

“Husserl’s Phenomenological Reduction and the Exclusion of God,” Westminster Theological Journal 69 (2007): 87-94.

“A Right Angle is a Right Angle, Right?” Proceedings of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics 19 (2007).

“Eucharist Then, Scripture Now: How Evangelicals Can Learn from an Old Controversy,” Evangelical Review of Theology 30 (2006): 322-338.

Scriptural Authority and Believing Criticism: The Seriousness of the Evangelical Predicament,” Journal of Philosophy and Scripture 3 (2005).

“Historical ‘Retrojection’ and the Prospect of a Pan-Biblical Theology,” Expository Times 115 (2004): 397-401.

“Gen 3.21: The History of Israel in a Nutshell?” Expository Times 115 (2004): 361-366.

“Symmetry, Ruth and Canon,” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 28 (2003): 189-205.

“A Homiletical Spiral for Preaching Old Testament Narratives,” Journal of the American Academy of Ministry 9.1 (2003): 13-22; also appearing in Preaching On-Line 19.2 (2003).

“Pairing and Plus-ing the Godhead: An Algebraic Analogy,” Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith 55 (2003): 166-174.