Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Guilt Trips

Scott Oliphint writes: "There are two and only two classes of people in the world. Such has always been the case. Such will always be the case. There are those who know God and love him because they have been called out of darkness into his marvelous light. There are those who know God and hate him because they refuse to acknowledge the truth that is known, and that worship and serve the creature (Rom. 1:18ff.). There is no third party, no 'honest seeker,' no 'confused questioner.'" ("Cornelius Van Til and the Reformation of Christian Apologetics," in Revelation and Reason, ed. K. S. Oliphint and L. G. Tipton [P&R Publishing, 2007], 281-282.)

Those who know and love God know he's sovereign.

Those who know and love God know he is the author of truth.

Those who know and love God know the Bible is God's Word (because it says so).

Those who know and love God know that the Bible MUST BE inerrant.

If you disagree with any of this, it's not the case that you don't know God. It's worse. You know God and you hate him. This, I think, is the mother of all guilt trips because anyone trying to get out from under it is doing nothing but demonstrating to everyone their will-to-autonomy (i.e., rebellion) against God.